The Little Things,
make this game better than SC Guitar Maniac Dx 2. I like the missed notes, how long the song until it's done, what I didn't like however was the fourth note added to the 4 or F key; that kinda got me pissed.
The Little Things,
make this game better than SC Guitar Maniac Dx 2. I like the missed notes, how long the song until it's done, what I didn't like however was the fourth note added to the 4 or F key; that kinda got me pissed.
very hard, I didn't feel like playing it, it was way to time consuming; basically too hard I didn't wanna play. I could beat it though if I had an hour or two. (lolz)
Pretty Sweet how the time changes on the computer
That's pretty kewl
Very fun but very annoying music
I give it and 8 because it was random and nonsensical, which pleases me. But to get a 10 it needed better music.
It's alright
I caped a bunch of girls but it needs way more enemies, it got old fast
It's alright
It highly developed, great animations, and awesome ways to land and fall. You should just make a game that has obstacles, no spiders and orb things and no dying. It would just be pure fun, basically no plot line and no danger.
I give it a 9 because of the effort
It was a great idea for the game but I had no idea where the enemy was.
Rip off
Rip off of some other game, furgot what it was called it is still sweet though.
Dude thats awesome!
Congratz on the great game!
That picture above isn't me...
Joined on 5/3/07